Thursday, May 1, 2008

hiding folders, a good method

i wanna tell some handy tips in my blogs here-after. these tips apply on windows-xp and can work on vista and other OS' that are from windows family.

here is the first one:

hiding folders: in steps

1).select the folder u wanna hide by clicking it once

2).rename the folder by right clicking and selecting rename or simply pressing f2 button on the keyboard.

3).now keep the alt key pressed and type 0160 from the number pad.
note:numbers 0160 should be typed from the numpad only.

4).now press enter or click the empty space in the window.
by now the name should have gone. right?
we have to do this because windows does not accept unnamed files or names with only spaces.

5).then right click the folder u desire to be hidden and select properties and then select the customize tab in the properties window.then select change icon and select among the icons, the one right to what appears like a lock i.e an empty space like icon and then apply changes.

by now if everything has gone fine your folder becomes invisible.

if the folder is in the middle of a page then hiding it by this method looks weird because there appears a blank space in the order to come over that we can do one thing. deselect the autoarrange option in the window and drag the folder to the end of the page.

if at all any problem implementing this post a comment i will address ur comment in the next post or update this.

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